The instruction at 0x00007ffa referenced memory
















The memory could not be "read". Hello, I get an error message when I shutdown my laptop each two days. The error message is always the same : "The instruction at "00x*" referenced memory at "0x00000000". The memory could not be "read". I have an Alienware 14 with Windows 8.1 Pro. The memory could not be "%s". EXCEPTION_CODE: (NTSTATUS) 0xc0000005 - The instruction at "0x%08lx" referenced memory at "0x%08lx". Is the second address a very small number, like 0x00000001 or 0x00000000? If so, you probably just forgot to initialize a pointer. In any case, standard debugging tricks apply: start isolating the problem by noticing when it happens and narrowing things down from there. Another common cause for this memory error is that the virtual memory is running low on your computer. So you can increase your virtual memory to see Hopefully you have successfully resolved the The instruction at "0x? referenced memory at '0x. The memory could not be written error by now. The memory could not be read. The memory at that location is most likely corrupt, or protected by another application on the system. Seeing as the systems are managed by a Network Admin, I would expect that the same software is installed on all system, and all system are of the same model/specification. In which case, the issue is The memory could not be written." Because of this message, I can't browse normally; I can access the Internet by right-clicking on Chrome and selecting However, this problem still persists in Windows today, and we prepared a detailed guide on how to fix "The Instruction at 0x00*** referenced "The instruction at "0x000000000" referenced memory at "0x00000000". The memory could not be "read". Click OK to terminate program." The memory could not be "read". error when I close completely out of IE 6.0. I've also discovered that the Symantec anti-virus has begun causing the The poor working and memory hogging of the past version forced me to use Chrome more and more, and I may have to give up on what once a good and decent product, as it apparently was not tested with Windows 7 as I see a series of similar issues, and no solutions. The instruction at 0x00007FFF901C9BD1 referenced memory at 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. The memory could not be read. I've included a picture of the error message below. I don't know if it's related to the media/hotkey problems, but I'd appreciate any help.

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